Woah, I seen that in the arcade!
The actual game arcade I had trouble playng but this was very cool! Thats an exelent tribute to it too. I give it my maximum vote!
Woah, I seen that in the arcade!
The actual game arcade I had trouble playng but this was very cool! Thats an exelent tribute to it too. I give it my maximum vote!
Very interesting game!
Nice display and all but the controls are a bit different since the movement is so Q-bert like. Quite a fun game it sems to be like, I will give it an above average rating.
Looks useful.
The information and advise was good but the text and words were allitle sloppy though. Still sounds like a good tourtoral.
Great game!
Now thats pokemon flash I like to see. This will go great with the club that im running here on NG! Its called Tanooki John's pro pokemon club. You can join if your interested. The puzzle game featuring pokeballs is quite cool. That means one PROTECTION point for me!
Nice toutoral.
This is pretty neat. By the way, do you have a tortoral or can make a toutoral for paint shop pro programs? If you do or can, it would be great. And another thing, you do need to know how to do editing and pic coustomising before you do flash. Is this right?
Again, I like your toutoral and I thought it was quite ok.
Exelent game!
I never believed there would be a polarity shield for Megaman. I really like the shield to protect you from projectiles of the 2 colors. Especally to know the fact you can ride on the energy lazer to prevent yourself from hitting spikes which jumping alone is hazardus. Great job, its quite a challenge.
Glad you liked it, thanks!
I listen to Psyguy music every time I drive and leave work, and when I go shopping! I also enjoy sim dates , movies, comics , and parodies!
Joined on 9/4/04